Friday, November 21, 2008

Carol Vorderman counts-down her primetime on TV!

I was browsing through the news sites on the net and was shocked to read that the co-hostess of the longest running British TV show 'Countdown'  in Channel 4, is stepping down after spending her 26 years of sizzling time with the programme.  She is leaving the show this December. 

Countdown is a very popular afternoon show which tests our skills on numbers and words and has been giving many,almost three decades of top-notch afternoon entertainment. The generation which has grown-up along with Countdown is a very gifted generation indeed!

Countdown was the first programme broadcast on Channel 4 when it launched in 1982. The show started with Richard Whiteley as the host and Carol Vorderman as the co-hostess. Both of them gave this words and numbers game so much of their creativity and hard work , that this program earned sky-high fame for itself and for its originators.  The show was temprorarily suspended due to the sudden demise of Richard Whiteley in 2005.  Carol Vorderman carried the show after Richard along with Des Lynham , who was later on replaced by Des O' Connor.
I remember the countless number of countdown late-afternoon lunches with my husband V, both trying to frantically come up with words and form the equations with numbers amidst the abandoned lunch, feeling elated when Carol is outwitted by our equations involving numbers, with a "Even I can apply for this job!" bragging. But alas! we didn't realise that someone- else would apply for the job so soon! We'll miss you Carol for sure!

The successor to Carol for this coolest math job of the country is the enviable Rachel Riley, 22, from Oxford University. The answer to the question "Will she be another Ms. Vorderman?", only time can tell! But for onething, the ardent Countdown fans like us will take time to get used to the show without Carol as it did with Mr. Whiteley missing!

There are no 'Adieus' Carol! I am sure we'll be seeing you soon! Good luck for all your future ventures! Hope the 'Countdown' saga doesn't end with you!

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